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Legno Venezia


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    The Legno Venezia collection is based on the wood varieties that mad Venice great.  Surfaces inspired by support poles, mooring posts, the very skeleton of Venice, on which it built its glory. The result is a design heralding the patterns of wood expressed in three soft tonalities, particularly appreciated for furnishing accesories. Sample Price $3.50 [spb_section spb_section_id="823761" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]
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    fumo f1


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    The Legno Venezia collection is based on the wood varieties that mad Venice great.  Surfaces inspired by support poles, mooring posts, the very skeleton of Venice, on which it built its glory. The result is a design heralding the patterns of wood expressed in three soft tonalities, particularly appreciated for furnishing accesories. Sample Price $3.50 [spb_section spb_section_id="823761" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]
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