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Palladio SM Marble

Various sizes, grains and color tones of the most precious marbles are skillfully blended with quality resins certified and tested as safe for contact with food and indoor environments, to obtain superior, versatile and technically advanced beautiful surfaces.

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  • Palladio Doge Grey Gray Mid Century Modern Slab Tile Marble Recycles Tarrazo Ollin

    Palladio Doge


    Palladio Doge

    Various sizes, grains and color tones of the most precious marbles are skillfully blended with quality resins certified and tested as safe for contact with food and indoor environments, to obtain superior, versatile and technically advanced beautiful surfaces. Composition: 4 - 6 % Resin, 94 - 96 % Marble Water absorption EN 14617-1 ≤ 0,25 % Characteristics Value Apparent density 2500 - 2650 Kg/m3
  • Palladio Griso Grey Gray Mid Century Modern Slab Tile Marble Recycles Tarrazo Ollin

    Palladio Griso


    Palladio Griso

    Various sizes, grains and color tones of the most precious marbles are skillfully blended with quality resins certified and tested as safe for contact with food and indoor environments, to obtain superior, versatile and technically advanced beautiful surfaces. Composition: 4 - 6 % Resin, 94 - 96 % Marble Water absorption EN 14617-1 ≤ 0,25 % Characteristics Value Apparent density 2500 - 2650 Kg/m3
  • Palladio Moro Black Grey Gray Mid Century Modern Slab Tile Marble Recycles Tarrazo Ollin

    Palladio Moro


    Palladio Moro

    Various sizes, grains and color tones of the most precious marbles are skillfully blended with quality resins certified and tested as safe for contact with food and indoor environments, to obtain superior, versatile and technically advanced beautiful surfaces. Composition: 4 - 6 % Resin, 94 - 96 % Marble Water absorption EN 14617-1 ≤ 0,25 % Characteristics Value Apparent density 2500 - 2650 Kg/m3
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